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Conflicts ... Conflicts ... Conflicts ...

I've been having sooo may conflicts lately. Usualy, I tried to see the positif way. But.. today... I think, I've had enoug of it! ...

Case #1
HORNET's ... lately, (I don't know who started) each and everyone, started to show everyone what have they done for the community. (including me, and got blame for it!). Some ask for a return! I'm not talking about money, but RESPECT! .. One or two (I SAID ONE or TWO! Not ALL) just wished to be RESPECTED!

Although most of them tried to make these people relax and calm down. But still, it's not good for a community!

Case #2
CHURCH's ... We're having a "gathering" on April 22nd. The reason was, to join all of the member of the KOMPA's Management. To make all of us know each other, and work togather on doing our job in the Management. We were given a task. Which is "make a small corner that looks like starbuck or coffeebean's corner" But... there's one person said that it can't be done! The church is still occupied until sunday, and we only could do it on thursday, which is a working day! Most of us can't come!.. but then I said, we could do it on sunday, after last service. But still... hhhhhhh... it's a heavy burdon.

Case #3
OFFICE's Part One ... Just had a very BAD DAY! ... In the morning, we (CREATIVE TEAM) got called to a meeting. The HRD (and our manager) got furious, because we bought the (going to be) the company jacket on our own. They thought, we're so proud to our selfs that we could pay 75.000 on our own. But that's not actualy the case! ... the reason why we make that jacket, because Jali (the connector to us and the tailor) already make a deal with the tailor. But what he didn't relized, that it took a very long prosedure to take the money out! When he asked the HRD soo many times, the HRD got furious and make a statement that, "THE JACKET IS OFF" and that trigered us to buy for our own. But then... she got EVEN furious. My manager even worse! She thought, that every one who didn't talk to her since the incident, are mad at her!! WHAT??? ... hhh ... I think, she thinks with her feeling, not with her mind! ... she FEELS that every one against her in her job.

Please.. be open mind!!! .. Not every one that keep silence are mad at YOU! ...

Case #4
OFFICE's Part Two ... At afternoon, I had a meeting with my editors. UNFORTUNATELY, we just got another guest! Another Education's Expert! And He always complains with the curriculum now, Hey sir!... I just follow the rules!! OKEY?? Don't blame it on me! If you have problems with my language, then... give me a sugguestions!!! Don't just claim it's wrong, but.. give me solution! I'm stuck here!!!! huaaahh... I Hate that!! And I just can't talk back!! 2 of my experts were there, 2 of my bosses were there!!

I JUST ...... !!!!

Case #5
OFFICE's Part Three ... after the meeting, I turn on my computer, and start my outlook express. And you know what? I've got e-mail!!! a forward e-mail from my boss, from a distributor said that one of our file in Demo CD is not correct, not connected with the term. HUAAAHHH!!!
VIOLIN's String and the musical note's that's used are connected to the length of the string and the position where you put your finger!! Did you learn MATH??? HAAAAAAHHHHH I HATE YOU!!!

Case #6
Financial problems ... well... nuthing I can say more about this.. all I can say, that... dead broke! GRRRR!!!! Let's just hope this is for the best! I'll tell you about this later.. I need rest now. I drink 2 cups of coffee already!


Is there any lesson here? ... hmmm ... let me take a deep breath..! Haaaaaaaah ... haaaaaaah ...
well, I guess there is. It's adaptate!

Every living thing, have to adaptate with it's surrounding. Never ask the nature to change! Because you can't. Look at a tree, that drop it's leafs to adaptate with cold and grow another to adaptate with warm. Why? To survive!. I have to adaptate with all my colleagues. With every one that I work with. Every singel person is unique. You can't treat others the same.

Sometimes, I Hate it when I found out what the lesson was, this make me can't got furious again! the positif thing is, I'm not mad anymore. but... It feels that, I'm facing another me! well... c-u then!


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