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What's wrong w/ me??

Friday, Saturday ... Those were thr worse week-end ever!!!

After 2 buzy days at Feb 9th and 10th, dealing with my best friends' wedding day. (not that I complain of... I like it, and enjoying it, but.. still 2 very buzy days!) I spent my fiday night w/ my friends (HORNET) at Bulungan until 10.45 PM. On my way home, just a few KM from my home, I felt something wrong w/ my motorcycle. So I stoped and saw that my back tire was flat! It was raining, I was still wearing heavy rain coat, w/ thick jacket inside, and my helmet on. I walked beside my motorcycle to my home. There were no repair shop from that point to my home. So, I just guided it to my home and reached my home at 00.00 AM! phew... a path that suposed only took 5 minutes ride, I took it for an hour!

Feeling exhousted, I took my cellphone to see if there were any messages. And yes there was one. From a friend of mine, she asked me to change something that already dealed in a forum. Something that WE cannot do, even for a chief! WHAT?? I was so surprised she mention it, because, she never mentioned it in the meeting! SHE SHOULD HAVE!!! But she didn't! .. I was frustrated. Slowly, while my heart was pumping in angry, I enterd my home from the back door. And you know what I found?? I Found that my home was filled with buckets! Water everywhere! MY HOUSE WAS LEAKING!!! O-M-G! I almost cried! ... I took off my helmet, open the front door and took my motorcycle in. I then took my rain coat and jacket off, then get the flashlight. I sat behind my motorcycle, and start searching for any cause of my flat tire. And I found a small nail! well.. ok, I marked it, and left it inside. I need the rest, I thought I'll repair it tomorrow w/ my uncle. (cause he was a mechanic. He can helped me out... ) well.. that's what I thought!

In the morning, I woke up. I found out it was 9.30 AM and no one home! Even my uncle! O-M-G!!!! What should I do??? I didn't have the strength to push my motorcycle to the repair shop. My house is down hill, and I don't have any gasoline!. So, I start sending messages to my friends near home, I asked how to took off my tire. Only one reply, and he told me that I should pushed it up hill! Coz it's imposible for him to come to my house. He's too far away!... That's ok! Then I send another message to one of my friend, asking the same question. Then he called back and told me to wait coz he was coming to my house! THANKs GOD! Finally... But then I kept waiting until 1.30 PM. Then, with him, we took off my back tire and took it to the repair shop. Thankfully, I still have inside tire for spare. So, we took it to the repair shop. We waited for a few minutes, then it's done! Then he went home! Thanks brO! you're a pal! (^_^)

Still frustrated w/ my friend's SMS from last night, she called, but then she gave the phone to her friend to talk to me about it! ... hmp!!! I was very frustrated!!! Realy! I was! How come she could not just understand, that it can't be done!!!! Not only the request to change, but the change it self! After a looooong talk .. I asked her to talk to the souncils. It's not that I don't want it, but, she just can't open her mind that there was no money for that!!!.

In the after noon, around 5.30 PM, I rushed to the church for an ocation. Then, yes I met her... I just can't talk! ... I was sooooo... mad! ... I almost cried that time. but I held it! I was tired, frustrated... still have to face her!

Well.. that's my story!


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