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Anagram VS Ulang2

Kalo ita suka sama Anagramnya... kalo gue demen sama lagu2 yang muter-muter... hue he he... liat deh lirik ini.

.: There's a hole in my bucket :.
Liza and Goofy

there's a hole in my bucket, dear lisa, dear lisa
there's a hole in my bucket, dear lisa, a hole

then mend it, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy
then mend it, dear goofy, dear goofy, then mend it

with what shall I mend it? dear lisa, dear lisa
with what shall I mend it? dear lisa, with what?

with some straw, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy
with some straw, dear goofy, dear goofy, some straw

the straw is too long, dear lisa, dear lisa
the straw is too long, dear lisa, too long

then cut it, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy,
then cut it, dear goofy, dear goofy, then cut it

with what shall I cut it? dear lisa, dear lisa
with what shall I cut it? dear lisa, with what?

with a knife, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy
with a knife, dear goofy, dear goofy, with a knife

the knife is too dull, dear lisa, dear lisa
the knife is too dull, dear lisa, too dull

then sharpen it, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy
then sharpen it, dear goofy, dear goofy, sharpen it

with what shall I sharpen it? dear lisa, dear lisa
with what shall I sharpen it? dear lisa, with what?

with the stone, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy
with the stone, dear goofy, dear goofy, with the stone

but the stone is too dry, dear lisa, dear lisa
but the stone is too dry, dear lisa, dear lisa, too dry

then wet it, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy
then wet it, dear goofy, dear goofy, then wet it

with what shall I wet it? dear lisa, dear lisa
with what shall I wet it? dear lisa, with what?

with the water, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy
with the water, dear goofy, dear goofy, with water

in what shall I get it? dear lisa, dear lisa
in what shall I get it? dear lisa, dear lisa, in what?

in a bucket, dear goofy, dear goofy, dear goofy
in a bucket, dear goofy, dear goofy, in a bucket

there's a hole in my bucket, dear lisa, dear lisa
there's a hole in my bucket, dear lisa, a hole

sama ini...

.: The Green Grass Grew All Around :.

there was a hole
(there was a hole)
in the middle of the ground
(in the middle of the ground)
the pritiest hole
(the pritiest hole)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

and in this hole
(and in this hole)
there was a root
(there was a root)
the pritiest root
(the pritiest root)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

and on this root
(and on this root)
there was a tree
(there was a tree)
the pritiest tree
(the pritiest tree)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the tree on the root
and the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

and on this tree
(and on this tree)
there was a branch
(there was a branch)
the pritiest branch
(the pritiest branch)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the branch on the tree
and the tree on the root
and the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

and on this branch
(and on this branch)
there was a twig
(there was a twig)
the pritiest twig
(the pritiest twig)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the twig on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree on the root
and the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

well on this twig
(and on this twig)
there was a nest
(there was a nest)
the pritiest nest
(the pritiest nest)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the nest on the twig
and the twig on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree on the root
and the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

and in this nest
(and in this nest)
there was an egg
(there was an egg)
the pritiest egg
(the pritiest egg)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the egg in the nest
and the nest on the twig
and the twig on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree on the root
and the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

and in this egg
(and in this egg)
there was a bird
(there was a bird)
the pritiest bird
(the pritiest bird)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the bird in the egg
and the egg in the nest
and the nest on the twig
and the twig on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree on the root
and the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

and on this bird
(and on this bird)
there was a wing
(there was a wing)
the pritiest wing
(the pritiest wing)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the wing on the bird
and the bird in the egg
and the egg in the nest
and the nest on the twig
and the twig on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree on the root
and the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

and on this wing
(and on this wing)
there was a feather
(there was a feather)
the pritiest feather
(the pritiest feather)
that you ever did see
(that you ever did see)
well the feather on the wing
and the wing on the bird
and the bird in the egg
and the egg in the nest
and the nest on the twig
and the twig on the branch
and the branch on the tree
and the tree on the root
and the root in the hole
and the hole in the ground
and the green grass grew all around and around
the green grass grew all around

Thanks to Nia n Jepri, 2 temen kantor gue, (Nia, lagi hamil, Jepri minjemin lagu2 anak2 n mozart buat ibu2 hamil) ... akhirnya gue temuin juga lagu2 anak2 jaman dulu... (spt, Mary Had a little lamb, row, row, ... apa lagi ya... banyak banget deh! mpe bosen gue dengerin ni lagu) Salah satu lagunya ya 2 lagu diatas. Kalo ngerti bhs inggris pasti tau bahwa yg dibicarain itu muter2 ajah... balik lagi - balik lagi... Tapi asik aja sih... Seru! Let me memorize the words while imagening the animations... (*ITAAAA... ketularan jadi animator!*)


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