In these past few weeks, I have just relised that everything are related to a good communication! If it is so simple, then why there's a communication faculty? BECAUSE It is a Hard thing to do!. We're not living in a telepathic world, where people can read your mind right away!. We life in a world where most people THINK that everybody can rean my gestures! well... some people can! but some people can't! Lat 2 weeks insidents...
Case 1, when some one very offended by my words in SMS. HE DID NOT COMMUNICATE IT WITH ME... that's why I don't know how he feels! And it seems that I always offended him.
Case 2, when one of my friend cried coz no guys wanna be in her car. She can't drive with out any guys in her car. and SHE DID NOT COMMUNICATE IT WITH THE OTHERS! ... No ones knows what's wrong with her.
Last night, there was another case. Where 2 of my band members are very offended by the band instructor. Coz he came so late. And he never "GIVE" what ever the materials they want!!! But the Band instructor never know that because THEY NEVER COMMUNICATE IT WITH HIM. We never know what the band really wants! So did the Band instructor. So he just let it flow.
It's all about COMMUNICATIONS!!!
Don't expect any one to understand you. Why don't you start to try to understand others!