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Showing posts from September, 2005

PDA Phone VS Smart Phone.

Aduuuwwww.. bingung nih! ... pengen punya PDA phone tapi mahal... pengen pake Smartphone .. tapi speknya ga dapet. Sebenernya sih pengen punya alat yg bisa dipake kerja .. minimal ada WORD and EXCEL.. Maksudnya buat nulis2 dan bikin tabel. Apapun bentuk softwarenya.. asal ada itu.. gue pasti dah seneng... Gue ubek2 di sini : PDA Phone inceran gue.. BenQ P50 $ 599 (@ 10.200 berarti sekitar Rp 6.109.800) : spek Ipaq H6365 Rp 4.500.000 : spek SmartPhone inceran gue.. : Nokia 9300 Rp 6.050.000 spek Nokia 7710 Rp 4.925.000 spek Kira2.. mana ya yang baik buat gue?... Selain phone sama organizer.. gue butuh yg buat nulis2... (word or notes) sama yg buat tabel ... yah setara sama excel lah.. Tapi kayanya.. tadi setelah ngeliat movienya Nokia 7710 keren juga.. jadi pengen... ngiler mode

Iseng Mode.. how stupid..

This morning I start my day with a very bad Headache!.. still sleepy ... and Then I found out that my coffee is filled with ants!!! I call this... Drown in a deadly happyness ... (Tenggelam dalam kenikmatan yang mematikan!) ... cool hah? .. We sometimes found that we acted like that ant. We drown our selfs to anything that makes us happy. The ants like the sweetnes of my coffee. But then.. they have to die, drowed in that sweet coffee. Stupid ants... but then.. stupid me!


This is EXACTLY what happend to mE!!!!

Bandung Trip 2nd ed...

Official Report Official Galery This is my second time to go to Bandung with my friends. The first one is to Lanud Hussein Sastra Negara. Now.. we went to Wing 3 KoPaskhas Margahayu Bandung. Friday, August 26th This day, I went to Bandung with my biker friends. The distance is not so far.. it's just about 170 km away. (that's what the trip meter says). Actualuy, before the the D day.. there were so many problems. It was planed to go on August 5th, but there were problems we have to face, so we set another date. This day. Before we go, one of our friend had an accident. So he and his wife decided not to go. Wise decition. Actualy, there's an event at my church on Saturday. But then I thought, I was needed more here with my biker friends, then there at chuch. Since, I handle all the trip fee. I handle all the money they gave for this trip. I know that I can't just leave it to someone else! it's imposible! So... I decide to go. I know, that my friends at church must ha...