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Reports on Pandegelang Tour

It's been a week! .. and I just can't forget the trip to Pandegelang... It was FUN!!! I didn't even get sleepy like always. Maybe because I already familiar with the road. The trip started at 00.00 AM Saturday, and reached Pandeglang at 04.00 AM the same day. I was totaly fresh when started that trip! Although there were several bad intuitions ... afraid of something bad will happend. .. But that make us pray a little more. Well, at least I did. Also makes me drive a little more carefull. The whole trip was fun. We stoped at Jati uwung at 01.16 AM for gasoline. Then at Balaraja 01.52 AM, just to pick up one of our friend (Jhony), then get back to our rides off to Serang. We reached Serang's biggest Gass Station at 02.43 AM. Our last rest point to Pandegelang, we stayed there for about 35 minutes, just to rest our feet and our (sorry) buttock. I remember, that I've been there before. It was one of our resting points when I went to Lampung. We hit the road again at 03.18 AM. From Serang to Pandegelang.. the road seems deserted, there were not much cars, just one or two. BUT THE ROAD!!! HUAAAHHH!!! It's Wheel's destroyer! hole's at every other inchs, deep holes and rocky too, with lost of sands.. so we have to stay on guard while riding.. have to avoid those holes unless your wheels will ruind! We finaly reached the Hotel which was provided for us by Adhi (the groom) save and sound at 04.00 AM. I went straight to the bed room, and sleep. I woke up at 09.00 AM, breakfast already served in boxes.. Still surprised with the treat, the cookies were coming out too! .. phew.. lots of stuffs to eat.

At 11.00 AM, we went to the bride's house to have lunch. It's a VERY BIG HOUSE!!!! With 2 big ponds, a batminton's field and still have room for 26 motorcycles to park, and place for us to rest too. (^_^) Cool!. At 02.00 PM we went to Carita beach, because it's close to pandegelang for leisure and a quest for gasoline (since it's very difficult to get gasoline at that time). And the road.. yes.. it's full of holes! ARRGGGHHHH!!!! I played on the beach for a short time, get the sand in a bottle, eat Otak-otak (roasted fish), then went back to pandegelang but through a different way. So we straight to ANYER - Cilegon - Serang - Pandegelang. (if you look at the map.. it's like a BIG "O") And YES.. the road is full of holes. We reached back to Pandegelang at 07.00 PM. Just in time to dinner at the bride's home (again) with a very huge treat! whooooowwww...

10.00 PM, exhausted but happy with a full stomache made my eyes soooo sleepy. So .. I clean up my self, have a shower, wash my hair than went straight to bed. I woke up the next day at 07.00 AM.. the activity outside were already prety hectic.. I thought the event was at 11.00 AM, but then I just found out that it's 08.00 AM... so I rushed to the bathroom and take a bath real fast (but clean) .. put my stuff back to it's place in my bike's back luggage. Full.. but can be managed (^_^) ...

We arrived on time at Adhi's wedding ceremony. THe IJAPKABUL (did I write it right?), we're the witnnes of Adhie's promise to his wife! aaaawwww.. makes me wanna cry... the wedding is soooo beautiful .. with lots of food and flowers everywhere! it was sooo beautiful! (^_^) ...

We then prepare ourself to get back to Jakarta at 11.50 AM. The road is more hectic that at night, we have to face lots of crazy drivers and riders... phew.. but not much to tell. We stoped at tangerang. Before we reached daan mogot. The most horrible road ever! .. phew.. but we finally reach Jl. Panjang, then off to our own way home. Mas Heru with Helmy, Oliq the Forerider and me have to go to Jl Fatmawati, to drop Mas heru at Ade's house to pick up Mas Heru's motorcycle (it was put there before he went to pandegelang, so.. he was the co.pilot of Vivi's bike on the way to pandegelang).

Well.. over all .. the event was GREAT! No Incidets! and we laugh all the event! (Thanks to Dito The zipper, Heru the co.pilot, Vivi the Smokin Rider, and all the HORNETer'z) Thanks Adhie for all the treat! Hope all the best for you!


Anonymous said…
thanx juga buat djo n horneterz yg ude bela2in dateng. kapan2 maen ke pandeglang boleh koq...

btw, gw baru tau lu punya blog, pdhl udah dr taun 2003 yak?... hehehehe

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