+ The Beacon +

Menurut kamus komputer gue, beacon artinya suar, menara api, rambu, lentera laut.. Tadi pagi, gue berdandan (^_^) sambil ndengerin RPK FM. Biasanya kalo jam 6 ada Renungan pagi, renungan hari ini bikin gue nangis karena terharu akan kasih Tuhan yang sangat indah. Gue ambilin ya, bacaannya dari RBC.
Read: Mark 6:45-52
When a helicopter crashed in a cold, mountainous wilderness, the pilots survived but were seriously injured. The frozen afternoon stretched toward an even more freezing night. The situation seemed hopeless—until a rescue helicopter appeared, its searchlights illuminating the darkness. It spotted the wreckage, landed nearby, and carried them off to safety.
"How did you know where we were?" an injured man asked.
"The homing device on your aircraft," the rescuers told him. "It went off automatically when you went down. All we had to do was follow it."
The disciples of Jesus also experienced the joy of being rescued. They had been struggling as they rowed their boat against wind and waves in the darkness of night on the Sea of Galilee (Mark 6:45-47). Then Jesus came to them, walking on the water, and calmed the sea (vv.48-51).
We may experience similar times when all is dark and foreboding. We can't help ourselves, and it seems that no one else can either. No one knows how terrified and exhausted we are. No one, that is, except Jesus.
When we're trapped, hurt, lonely, or discouraged, Jesus knows it. Our cries of grief are beacons that bring Him to our side—right when we need Him most. —Dave Egner
There is only One who knows
All the answers to my woes;
He will all my needs supply
When in faith to Him I cry. —Morgan
Jesus hears even the faintest cry for help.

In the last few weeks, I felt so lonely... even in the croud! I felt like ... I was left behind and alone with all my burden in me. I can't tell others about it, but I han't hold it alone! Too many load in my mind. Thank you Lord! You give me comfort that I need. I love you lord!
Menurut kamus komputer gue, beacon artinya suar, menara api, rambu, lentera laut.. Tadi pagi, gue berdandan (^_^) sambil ndengerin RPK FM. Biasanya kalo jam 6 ada Renungan pagi, renungan hari ini bikin gue nangis karena terharu akan kasih Tuhan yang sangat indah. Gue ambilin ya, bacaannya dari RBC.
Read: Mark 6:45-52
When a helicopter crashed in a cold, mountainous wilderness, the pilots survived but were seriously injured. The frozen afternoon stretched toward an even more freezing night. The situation seemed hopeless—until a rescue helicopter appeared, its searchlights illuminating the darkness. It spotted the wreckage, landed nearby, and carried them off to safety.
"How did you know where we were?" an injured man asked.
"The homing device on your aircraft," the rescuers told him. "It went off automatically when you went down. All we had to do was follow it."
The disciples of Jesus also experienced the joy of being rescued. They had been struggling as they rowed their boat against wind and waves in the darkness of night on the Sea of Galilee (Mark 6:45-47). Then Jesus came to them, walking on the water, and calmed the sea (vv.48-51).
We may experience similar times when all is dark and foreboding. We can't help ourselves, and it seems that no one else can either. No one knows how terrified and exhausted we are. No one, that is, except Jesus.
When we're trapped, hurt, lonely, or discouraged, Jesus knows it. Our cries of grief are beacons that bring Him to our side—right when we need Him most. —Dave Egner
There is only One who knows
All the answers to my woes;
He will all my needs supply
When in faith to Him I cry. —Morgan
Jesus hears even the faintest cry for help.
In the last few weeks, I felt so lonely... even in the croud! I felt like ... I was left behind and alone with all my burden in me. I can't tell others about it, but I han't hold it alone! Too many load in my mind. Thank you Lord! You give me comfort that I need. I love you lord!