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Showing posts from November, 2005

And the story begins...

It has been a long time since my last post. WHat can I say? hmph.. I've been having a hard time to manage my schedules. Argh!! ... gila!! NUts!!! My last post was before lebaran day. (Moslem's BIG day). And my office is also having a long holiday. Holiday... hmm.. There were so many things I've done. Nov 3rd was 1st Lebaran day. I went to my grandma's house who was having the DAY. I took some pictures.. (^_^) with ma family... nice! can you imagine me wearing short skirt? well .. this was the moment you can see! haaaahhhh!!! (^^;) (*lucu ah.. pake rok*) Nov 4th Went to wtch chicken little! . JAYUS!!! Ceritanya aneh bin ajaib. But .. I like the animation! (^_^)v. The story.. I couldn't realy understand the moral of the story. It was about a kid who rang the emergency bell because he saw "a piece of the sky falling" and make disaster moment in town. And someone even make the movie of it! ... hmm.. I think, maybe it's about fighting about what you believ...

My Comment in Vikingkarwur

Huah.. my comment won a prize here about "cool Hang out place!" jikakak... Here are the prizes.. 5 blue wrist band. I wear one, and gave the rest to my friends Arik, bu R, Ita and Venus. Hue he he.. My comment Review Actualy... I don't care about the price of the food, even the atmosphere. All that important for me is.. to have a friend to hang out with. No mater if I went to the most expansive place, or to the most magical place such as Disney.. but if I don't have a friend to share it.. what a waste! I like my comment.. coz it's true!