I just encounterd 2 MAJOR INCIDENTS!!! 1. I've brokend my 128MB FlashDrive!!! HUAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Gara-gara terlalu terburu-buru! Baru ganti FlashDrive punya temen dari kompie, lgs colok flashdrive punya gue! wah... walhasil... kompie HANG! And let my FlashDrive hang too!! Almost cried that day! And I have to transferd the files ... huaa... but then I was saved by my CD Writer! THANK GOD! I have one! so.. I copied my files to one of my used but opend CDs (^_^)!! 2. One of my best friend (A) felt that he's being offended by the other (B)! But the funny thing is.. B didn't know that A was offended by B! Masalahnya gini... A sudah bikin jadwal tugas untuk sebulan. Seharusnya tanggal 12 kemaren, MCnya adalah si C, kemudian pada minggu kemaren (5 Juni) si B bilang, MC n acara semua di handle oleh D. Akhirnya si A memundurkan jadwal, si C dipindah ke minggu berikutnya .. begitu pula 2 MC berikutnya. Eh, tiba2 pada hari Rabu (8 June) si B bilang ke A, kalo yg jadi MC adalah si C! Buk...