I've been having sooo may conflicts lately. Usualy, I tried to see the positif way. But.. today... I think, I've had enoug of it! ... Case #1 HORNET's ... lately, (I don't know who started) each and everyone, started to show everyone what have they done for the community. (including me, and got blame for it!). Some ask for a return! I'm not talking about money, but RESPECT ! .. One or two ( I SAID ONE or TWO! Not ALL ) just wished to be RESPECTED ! Although most of them tried to make these people relax and calm down. But still, it's not good for a community! Case #2 CHURCH's ... We're having a "gathering" on April 22nd. The reason was, to join all of the member of the KOMPA's Management. To make all of us know each other, and work togather on doing our job in the Management. We were given a task. Which is "make a small corner that looks like starbuck or coffeebean's corner" But... there's one person said that it can't ...