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Showing posts from March, 2005

Flat Tire and Seafood

Yesterday, I stay late at the office again with my friend Ita . When we went home, and pass Carefour Hyperstore, I felt that my wheel was out of control.. then I stopped the motorcycle and looked down and YES, my front tire was flat!. So, we have to walk while I drag my motor to the nearest repair shop. I feel awfull .. I felt sory to Ita, she actualy had flat tire too with her friend a couple days ago. I'm sory Ita... But then, she said that.. "maybe, this has to happend, since we never had any good conversation anymore since I ride the motorcycle to the office." .. hmmm.. good Idea! .. maybe that't the cause.. so.. I treat her to the nearst sea food. She enjoys squid. Then, we talk about many things that happend in days we've missed. About her trip to Bali, the event after that (*when you cry*), my personal life... about our similarity.. hmm.. missed that talk.. Thanks Ta'

Happy Easter...

Happy Easter... Well.. I know, I'm late... but.. beter late then never. How was your long week end? Mine? not realy good. Pretty hectic though. I went to curch at Thursday night for White Tursday . Didn't get the ceremony, but only got there for rehersal and decorating. I got home at 11.30 PM. Good Friday , I went to curch at 7.30 AM, coz I have to make the documentation. All seat was full! And I have to stand up until the ceremony was over. I didn't get any holy bread n wine. Not becaus I ran out of it, but... I just can't take it. I don't feel that I was worthed to be in that holy invitation. I've been a very bad girl! Then... at home, I rest for the whole day! Saturday , I went to curch at 3.00 PM for sunday morning's rehersal. Then after that, I stayied at the curch for decoration and preperation untuil Sunday morning. I only went to bed for 1 hour (2 - 3 AM). Easter Sunday , I was standing up all the ceremony (again) ... I'm the only one that wear b...


I Have no Idea WHY... I have been sooo buzy lately! but still got the time to play! ... hmm... I think I was too buzy playin right? ... huuuhh... bener-bener deh...

Tour de Kalijati (DN Yusuf's Version)

Jumat 25 Feb 2005 Pukul 23.00 wib Pelataran Jl.Palmerah Selatan 22-28 Jakpus dipenuhi tak kurang dari 100 motor. Bukan mau demo atas berita yang dimuat oleh KOMPAS atau media cetak Gramedia group, tapi mereka adalah para peserta turing gabungan(HORNET, HMPC dan GPMR) yang kebetulan kali ini base camp KKG-BC di Palmerah menjadi TITIK START tujuan Kalijati mengunjungi PUSDIK PILOT HELI TNI yang dalam hal ini dibawah SKADRON UDARA 7 LANUD SURYADARMA SUBANG, KALIJATI JAWA BARAT. Setelah briefing dan berdoa di halaman Bentara Budaya Jakarta(BBJ), tepat pukul 23.30 wib disepakati sebagai "jam J" TURGAB seri III dengan HORNET dan GPMR sebagai group 1, KKG-BC group 2 dan HMPC group 3. Segera saja trip meter harimau besi mas Yusuf segera di NOL kan dan menengadah ke atas tampak rembulan malam itu tampak cantik seakan merestui perjalanan kami. Asyik...... gak bakalan hujan nih. Segera tergelar pemandangan spektakuler..... lampu hazard yang sebagian besar peserta memasangnya, ta...